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Welcome to Advanced Space Providers – We specialize in providing Modular Building Solutions across all industry sectors in Ireland.

icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 8:30am to 5:30pm icon_widget_image Unit H5, Eastway Business Park, Ballysimon Rd, Crabb's-Land, Limerick. Ireland. icon_widget_image +353 61 312 520 icon_widget_image info@advancedspaceproviders.com

Fire Insulation Testing

In light of the tragic events that unfolded in London, coupled with the recent BCMS alert; Advanced Space Providers would like to reassure all parties that our walls, floors and ceilings are made with “A1” class non – combustible Mineral Wool, which is a completely recyclable, environmental friendly product that provides a complete El Fire resistance class independently certified for up to 4hrs (EL240); furthermore because its primary function is an insulator it provides a complete fire solution internally and externally to our modular systems. We do not require the use of a gypsum slab to be applied to our walls, floor or ceiling to provide a minimum level of fire protection. For further information you can find our specifications by clicking here.

We have seen numerous companies promote and provide Polyurethane Insulation & Polyisocyanurate in their products but it is clear from recent events that this product is not fit for purpose and has very poor fire retardant properties and when it ignites produces toxic fumes. According to Professor Richard Hull, Professor of Chemistry and Fire Science at the University of Central Lancashire “When ignited, the PIR foam insulation gives off toxic gases, including hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide, which cause rapid incapacitation when inhaled, preventing escape.”

Please check out the video above which tests MW (mineral wool), PUR (polyurethane), PIR (polyisocyanurate) insulations. While the results speak for themselves in evidential terms, the test highlights the testing on the entire Advanced Space Providers installation, and not just elemental tests. Many competitors can boast the use of gypsum or similar board liners which offer particular fire retardant properties in themselves, but cannot offer a fire test on their system as a whole. The importance of using fire resistant material cannot be understated and should be the standard for all modular units going forward. Further details on completed projects can be found by clicking here.